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Establishing a company in Sharjah Free Zone

٠٨ مايو Establishing a company in Sharjah Free Zone

How to establish a company in Sharjah Free Zone? Sharjah Free Zone is one of the distinguished investment destinations in the United Arab Emirates, providing an ideal environment for establishing companies of all kinds. This area combines a strategic location, advanced infrastructure, and attractive economic incentives, making it an excellent choice for entrepreneurs and investors looking to establish a company in Sharjah Free Zone quickly and efficiently. Sharjah Free Zone offers diverse investment opportunities thanks to flexible regulations and benefits that include tax exemptions, full foreign ownership, and smooth dealings with various government agencies. These advantages are a major attraction for investors looking to expand into local and global markets.


Steps to establish a company in the Sharjah Free Zone 

Establishing a company in the Sharjah Free Zone requires following a set of simple and straightforward steps that aim to facilitate procedures and provide a suitable environment for business. Here are the main steps to establish a company:

  1. Choose the type of business activity: Determine the type of activity you wish to practice, as the Sharjah Free Zone offers a variety of economic activities such as trade, industry, and services.
  2. Determine the legal entity: Choose the appropriate legal entity for your company, such as a limited liability company (LLC) or a branch of a foreign company.
  3. Choosing a trade name: Make sure to choose a trade name that complies with the regulations and conditions in the free zone. The name must be unique and not conflict with the names of other companies.
  4. Submit the required documents : Submit the necessary documents such as a copy of your passport, personal photos, and a business plan for the company.
  5. Registration and obtaining a license: After approval of the documents, you officially register the company in the free zone and obtain the commercial license necessary to practice the activity.
  6. Renting an office or workspace: You must rent an office or workspace within the free zone, which requires signing a lease agreement with the zone.
  7. Opening a bank account: After obtaining the license, you can open a bank account in the name of your company to facilitate financial transactions.
  8. Obtaining Residency: If you wish to reside in the UAE, you can apply for a residency visa for you and your employees.

Following these steps will ensure that you establish your company in the Sharjah Free Zone easily and without complications, while enjoying great investment advantages.

List of permitted business activities in Sharjah Free Zone

Free zones including Sharjah Free Zone allow a variety of business activities that investors and entrepreneurs can practice. Here is a list of some of the permitted business activities:

  • General trade: includes import, export and distribution of various products such as clothing, appliances and food.
  • E-commerce: Managing online stores and trading products online, including electronic services and digital marketing.
  • Financial Services: Providing financial consulting, accounting, and auditing services.
  • Management Consulting: Providing business consulting, institutional development, and strategic planning services.
  • Trade in agricultural products : import and export of agricultural products such as vegetables, fruits, and food.
  • Logistics: Providing transportation, warehousing, and international shipping services for goods.
  • Light manufacturing: such as manufacturing food products, medicines, and electronic devices within simple manufacturing processes.
  • Import and Export: Trading, importing and exporting raw materials, industrial products, and consumer goods.
  • Education and training: establishing training centers and providing vocational and technical education courses.
  • Information Technology: Providing IT services such as software development, website design, and systems maintenance.
  • Printing and publishing: publishing books and magazines, and providing printing and digital publishing services.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Providing e-marketing services, designing advertising campaigns, and public relations.
  • Healthcare: Providing healthcare and beauty services, operating clinics and medical centers.
  • Tourism services: providing tourism services, organizing trips, and hotel reservations.

This is a list of some of the activities available, but the Sharjah Free Zone offers a wide and varied range of options to suit different industrial and service sectors.


Advantages of establishing companies in the Sharjah Free Zone

Establishing companies in the Sharjah Free Zone offers many advantages that make it a preferred destination for investors and entrepreneurs. Here are the most important of these advantages:

  1. Full Foreign Ownership: The free zone allows foreign investors 100% ownership of the company without the need for a local partner.
  2. Tax Exemptions: The free zone is completely exempt from corporate and personal income taxes, allowing investors to retain their profits in full.
  3. Customs exemption: Companies operating in the free zone benefit from a full exemption on imports and exports, which reduces business costs and enhances competitiveness.
  4. Ease of establishment: Procedures in the Sharjah Free Zone are simplified and quick, allowing companies to be established in a short period of time without the usual bureaucratic complications.
  5. Strategic Location: Sharjah is located in a prime geographical location close to major ports and international airports, making it an ideal hub for international trade and logistics.
  6. Advanced Infrastructure: The free zone provides advanced infrastructure including communication networks, roads, and logistics facilities, which facilitates business operations for companies.
  7. Flexibility in choosing business activities: Sharjah Free Zone offers a wide range of commercial, industrial and service activities that companies can choose from.
  8. Support Services: The free zone provides a range of support services, such as business consulting, ready-to-operate office services, and excellent logistical support.
  9. Low operating costs: Compared to other areas in the UAE, Sharjah offers a business environment with lower operating costs, both in terms of rents and services.
  10. Legal and Economic Stability: Sharjah enjoys economic and legal stability that provides a safe and attractive environment for long-term investors.

These features combine to make Sharjah Free Zone an attractive option for startups and large companies looking to expand in the Middle East.

How long does it take to establish a company in Sharjah Free Zone?

Establishing a company in Sharjah Free Zone is a quick and flexible process compared to other regions. Typically, this process takes 3 to 7 business days after submitting all the necessary documents and fulfilling the required conditions. The time it takes to establish a company depends on several factors, including the type of business you wish to practice, the size of the company, and the speed of preparing the required documents such as a copy of your passport, personal photos, and a business plan.

Once the required documents are submitted, the verification and approval procedures begin by the competent authorities in the free zone. The approval process is usually smooth thanks to the efficient administrative system in Sharjah, which aims to facilitate business and provide an attractive investment environment. After approval, the required fees must be paid to obtain the trade license.

If all procedures are in place and the documents are fully submitted, the time period for establishing a company is relatively short. However, the process may take longer if there are special requirements for the activity or if it requires additional approvals from certain authorities.

This speed of procedures is one of the main advantages that the Sharjah Free Zone offers to investors, as companies can start their operations quickly and efficiently, which enhances the chances of success and growth in the local and regional market.

In conclusion, establishing a company in the Sharjah Free Zone represents an ideal opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs who seek to benefit from a thriving investment environment that enjoys many advantages, starting from 100% foreign ownership, through tax and customs exemptions, to advanced infrastructure. Thanks to these advantages, the Sharjah Free Zone enables companies to grow and thrive in a competitive global market, while providing the necessary support to ensure business success. Therefore, choosing Sharjah as a destination to establish your company is a strategic step towards achieving your business ambitions.

Frequently asked questions about establishing a company in the Sharjah Free Zone