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Residence and investment in Dubai

تأسيس شركة في المنطقة الحرة في راس الخيمة

٠٨ أبريل Residence and investment in Dubai

We find that many male investors prefer to establish their businesses in Dubai, and this is due to the diverse investments that exist there, as well as the strategic location that Dubai enjoys. Companies in Dubai are considered to be the independent entity that is registered in the department concerned with economic development, and their actions are governed by the law specific to those commercial companies.

Investing in Dubai:-

Businessmen resort to investing in Dubai because it is considered a global market that is constantly and rapidly developing and provides many investment opportunities that provide different fields for businessmen and investors. Investing in Dubai has made the number of companies in Dubai reach a continuous and significant increase in every period.

One of the most important advantages of investing in Dubai is that these companies can offer many of these advantages that allow companies the opportunity to expand, and they can also provide the opportunity to invest in the free zones that are located in the Dubai region, and it does not stop at this point, but extends to allow all commercial companies to practice their own activity from anywhere in Dubai.

Residence and investment in Dubai:-

In order to obtain residency and investment in Dubai , you must first establish your own company, which allows you to practice any commercial activity in Dubai. The company is established by following several steps, including first choosing the activity for your company, and this activity is what will determine the type of licenses you need in order to obtain residency and investment in Dubai . After that, you can choose this partner, and then obtain that initial approval in order to practice the activity and you can choose the trade name for your company. When these papers are completed, the contract for establishing the company is now prepared and all other approvals are obtained in order to obtain residency and investment in Dubai .

As for residence visas, they are issued by the General Administration for Residence in Dubai, which is concerned with all foreign affairs. Residence in Dubai takes many forms, such as investor residence, real estate investor residence, a family residence visa, or a work residence visa.

Investing in Jebel Ali:-

Jebel Ali is an area that occupies about 100 square kilometers of Dubai, but it offers many opportunities for businessmen to invest in Jebel Ali . This is because Jebel Ali is considered one of those areas that are ideal for establishing many distinguished businesses. One of the most important features of investing in Jebel Ali is that it enables you to trade and store, as well as distribute to many of those global markets that may reach about one and a half billion people.

Also, because Dubai enjoys stability in all its matters, as well as the stability of the regulations and laws regulating commercial businesses, it has made Dubai’s climate the ideal place to encourage businessmen to resort to investing in Dubai, and it has also made Jebel Ali that free zone that has become globally distinguished, and the Jebel Ali area was able in a short period to attract about 1600 companies to invest in Jebel Ali , including those companies that contain those commercial brands that are global leaders.

It should be noted that the Jebel Ali area was established primarily to encourage investment in Jebel Ali and also facilitate the investment process. The methods followed for investment in Jebel Ali are much easier than the rest of the areas in Dubai, as it is distinguished by its special and distinctive legal status.

Investment in the free zone:-

One of the most encouraging things about investing in the Dubai Free Zone is that it is subject to the laws and regulations that are specific to that free zone. Each free zone has its own laws that govern it, but in order to invest in the free zone, you must establish your own company in order to practice your commercial activity and begin the first steps of establishing your company in the free zone by determining the type of activity that you wish to invest in the free zone through it. Determining the activity gives you the initial opportunity to obtain your business license and also determines those parties involved with you in this commercial activity.

Also, in order to achieve investment in the free zone, you must know that these capital requirements may differ in the free zones located throughout the country, depending on the laws governing each zone and the activity you wish to practice in Dubai.

After that, you can choose the trade name for your business that is appropriate for your business, and then you can apply to obtain all the commercial licenses that you want in order to practice your business.

Dubai Investment Authority:-

Dubai Investment Authority can provide all the services required by businessmen in order to practice their commercial activity in Dubai. Dubai is considered one of those countries that are rich in terms of investment at the regional and international levels, but what is distinctive about Dubai is that Dubai Investment Authority has occupied the first places in facilitating the investment process in Dubai with ease and simplicity.

The State of Dubai has occupied the first places in facilitating businessmen to practice their business with ease through the facilities provided by the Dubai Investment Authority to businessmen, such as facilitating the process of paying taxes, as well as facilitating the necessary licenses in order to carry out construction and obtain licenses to practice the activity in Dubai. It also facilitates the process of concluding those contracts that are executed in Dubai in order to complete the investment in Dubai.

Investment costs in Dubai:-

The costs of investing in Dubai are determined according to the laws that govern investment in that area in Dubai. Dubai has become one of those areas that are attractive to businessmen in order to start their business in Dubai. The costs of investing in Dubai are determined by whether you are an Emirati national or not. If you are a foreigner, you will actually need to obtain that visa for your residence in Dubai in order to know the costs of investing in Dubai . Therefore, there are different types of visas, each with its own cost that enables you to reside in Dubai and start practicing your business.

The Investment Authority also determines the laws related to determining the costs of establishing a company in the free zone , as well as determining the rest of the laws governing the practice of activity in Dubai. The Investment Authority determines the cost of residence for a real estate investor in order to invest in the Dubai Free Zone and to know the costs of establishing a company in the free zone , as well as the costs of a permanent residence in order to establish a company in Dubai and start practicing any commercial activity from those activities that are permitted to be practiced in Dubai by foreigners. All of this is determined according to what the Investment Authority determines and according to the laws governing the investment process in Dubai, based on which the costs of establishing a company in the free zone are known .

How can I apply for a visa?

Please go to the website and apply for visas or through a local travel agent.

What documents and papers are required to obtain a visa?

No specific documents are required at first. You just need to submit the application via the website along with a copy of the passport of the person concerned sent to the Commercial Operations Department via email.

How long does it take to issue a residency visa after establishment?

Usually takes 3 to 4 business days. 1 to 2 business days for urgent or urgent cases.

Investor residence

Assisting the investor in facilitating all procedures, whether establishing a company or facilitating the procedures for obtaining a long-term investor residency, according to the availability of the conditions.

Company formation

We establish companies and all legal forms for all nationalities.