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Why invest in Jebel Ali?

٠٦ يناير Why invest in Jebel Ali?

Jebel Ali is considered one of those areas that occupy an area of ​​about 100 square kilometers, but one of its most important features is that it is considered one of those areas that are considered ideal for investment, as it includes many services that make it the best ports in the entire Middle East region, as well as its distinction in terms of communication networks and means of transportation, which made Jebel Ali that distinguished free zone on a global scale.

Open a company in Dubai

Many investors and businessmen are searching extensively for the method and procedures for opening a company in Dubai so that they can carry out all these procedures properly and in the shortest possible time in order to achieve the desired goal of establishing the company.

The importance of knowing the basic steps in opening a company in Dubai greatly helps many investors achieve all their goals behind their companies and thus helps them establish the company in the shortest possible time. To open a company in Dubai, every company owner must follow many steps, including:

  • Determine the activity for opening a company in Dubai, whether it is a real estate company, a food company, or many of those activities that can be practiced in Dubai.
  • Before opening a company in Dubai, you must start conducting a market study and researching all its needs and the needs of customers as well.
  • You must learn about the procedures necessary to open a company in Dubai and the laws governing this procedure, which are specific to the country and its laws, as well as learn about all the licenses that are necessary in order to establish this company so that you are not exposed to many of the problems that you may be exposed to after establishing the company.
  • You must then submit an application for this company that you are creating, and this application is submitted by using the Internet.
  • Thus, you have started reserving the company name and obtained the security approval to practice the activity. Now it is time to pay the fees for all licenses and sign all the legal documents necessary to open a company in Dubai.

Investing in Jebel Ali

Jebel Ali is the largest economic zone in the Middle East, which contains many of these global ports, including Jebel Ali Port, which plays a very vital role in providing high-quality service to these global markets.

Jebel Ali is located about 30 kilometers from Dubai. Because Jebel Ali is distinguished by its strategic location, it is considered one of the most important ports overlooking many markets. Jebel Ali is also known to be one of the largest ports that contains more than 180 lines designated for maritime shipping.

Another feature of Jebel Ali is that it is considered the first port to contain the largest basin made by engineers, so it is considered one of the largest basins made by human hands.

Company formation in Jebel Ali

There are some companies that practice the activities that have been approved to practice in Jebel Ali in order to establish a company in Jebel Ali, and these companies are those that can obtain the necessary licenses in order to practice their activity in Dubai and can establish a company specifically in Jebel Ali, including those that hold those commercial licenses and a service license, and those companies that establish a company in Jebel Ali are the companies that were established as a free zone institution.

It is also possible to invest in Jebel Ali Dubai by those foreign companies that are granted those industrial licenses or those that are granted to free zone establishments.

Open a company in Jebel Ali

In order to establish a company in Jebel Ali, you must first determine the type of activity you wish to practice in the Jebel Ali area. This is considered the first step in establishing a company in Jebel Ali. By determining the type of activity, you can then determine the parties who are associated with this activity and the legal forms that are permitted.

The legal entity for establishing a company in Jebel Ali takes one of two types: either a limited liability company or a free zone company. In order to establish a company in Jebel Ali, you must choose the trade name that is compatible with the activity, and you must also obtain the commercial license that enables you to practice your activity. Thus, you have been able to establish a company in Jebel Ali .

Steps to invest in Jebel Ali

Many investors resort to Jebel Ali to invest in it because this place has some advantages that make it a distinctive place for investment in Dubai, but there are steps to invest in Jebel Ali, including:

  • Determining the activity of the company to be established in Jebel Ali, whether it is a real estate company, a company specializing in the manufacture of these food products, or other types of different companies that are authorized to invest in Jebel Ali, and that can provide the services that the market needs in the UAE, determining the activity is considered one of the most important steps for investing in Jebel Ali.
  • One of the steps for investing in Jebel Ali is to conduct a market study to search for what customers may need greatly and that is not available in the local market. Therefore, the investor searches well for what the market requires and makes it the basis for establishing his company.
  • After determining the activity and conducting a study of the local market, one of the steps for investing in Jebel Ali is to learn about the laws that are necessary in order to obtain the necessary licenses to establish the company.
  • Now he begins to apply to reserve the company’s trade name and obtain the necessary approval in order to practice the activity. After that, the fees due are paid in order to obtain the necessary licenses.

Establishing a company in Jebel Ali

Jebel Ali area includes about more than five thousand companies on the global level, and this is due to its special geographical location, which is between the markets of Asia and the markets of Europe, and Jebel Ali area contains the environment that helps to achieve many profits without the need to pay any taxes and without the need to have that local partner.

Establishing a company in Jebel Ali, considering that Jebel Ali is one of the free zones that is distinguished by its distinctive economic growth in the city of Dubai, and Jebel Ali was established in order to attract many foreign investors to increase the country’s economic growth.

But establishing a company in Jebel Ali requires knowing the laws that govern investment in Jebel Ali, the free zone in Dubai, and you must know these laws before you start thinking about investing.

Conditions for establishing a company in the free zone

In order to establish a company in the free zone, this company must meet the needs of customers at such a time according to the market needs. Also, one of the conditions for establishing a company in the free zone is that it be in accordance with the conditions specified by each free zone. In order to implement these conditions for establishing a company in the free zone, you must develop a plan that is executable. You must also determine the investment objectives specific to each company. One of the conditions for establishing a company in the free zone is that the company owner must have approximately 100% of the capital amount as a basic factor for establishing a company in the free zone in Dubai.

10 facts about Jebel Ali

  • Jebel Ali Port is among the ten largest ports in the world.
  • Jebel Ali Port is connected to more than 180 shipping lines.
  • Jebel Ali Port is connected to 140 ports around the world.
  • The container terminals at Jebel Ali Port have 23 berths and 78 cranes to cater to the needs of the world’s largest container ships, with the facility able to accommodate all vessels of any size currently in service or on order.
  • Jebel Ali Port is the largest seaport in the Middle East and the flagship facility of DP World’s portfolio of over 65 ports and marine terminals across six continents.
  • Jebel Ali Port is also a hub port for more than 90 weekly shipping services, and is ranked as the ninth largest container port in the world.
  • Jebel Ali Port has been voted the Best Seaport in the Middle East for twenty consecutive years.
  • Jebel Ali Port houses the world’s largest man-made dock.
  • Jebel Ali Free Zone is home to over 5,000 global companies.
  • The Jebel Ali Industrial Zone features no currency restrictions, no corporate tax, no personal income tax and no minimum capital requirements.